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1. Do I need a partner?

you do not need a partner to arena class although it is encouraged to bring one.


2. What do I wear?

please dress comfortable.  keep in mind class is a hour long.


3. What type of shoes should I wear?

again wear something comfortable.  I recommend a small heel for ladies and hard bottom shoe for men.


4. How does class work?

with every level we start off with basic steps to warm up.  after that everyone finds a partner and we begin the dance.


5.  How long does it take to learn?

Everyone picks it up at their own pace.  I have class structured so that an individual should be able to advance to the next level within 8 - 10 weeks.


6. Should I take private lessons before taking class?

It's totally up to you.  People take private lessons for many different reasons.  Think of a private lesson as having a personal trainer.  If you think you'll need that one on one attention at first then a private would be the way to go.  If you're a natural dancer and pick things up fast then you don't need private lessons.


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